Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about our product?
What does the package include?

When you buy our product, you will get a full access in Unlimited to the product and will have no limitation about using the features.

What is the typical response time for a support question?

Since you report us a support question we try to make our best to find out what is going on, depending on the case it could take more or less time, however a standard time could be minutes or hours.

How can I cancel my subscription?

At any time you can connect on your dashboard and pause your subscription. You can also delete your credit card and cancel your subscription at any time.

Do you provide invoices?

Yes! Invoices are automatically created once you upgrade on the product or each month when your subscription renews automatically.

Can I suggest a new feature?

Yes, you can contact us to let us know your needs. If your suggestion represents any value to both we can include it as a part of the product. Please note it could take some time in order for the feature to be implemented.

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Leadz Space Pvt Ltd

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